We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
- TS Eliot
I see the music-making process as a spiritual journey through which we uncover/recover the true meaning and nature of our lives. This is about artists making the most interesting recordings of which they're capable; and through that process revealing something that has the potential to awaken us all to the truth of our being.
Whatever Mutanto
Freefall (Caída libre) Mutanto
Planting Tears Mutanto
La Pena de Gaia Mutanto
Cyclops Aquatic Ape Theory
Meltdown One Earth Alliance
Sacred Science CGPL
Ila Cantor - Encanto
The Vnote Ensemble - Conexion
Sid Jacobs - Open Strings
Sid Jacobs - Three in One
Shadow and Light CGPL
Amendola vs. Blades - Everybody Wins
Elizabeth Poole Roper / Jennifer Reason Sixteen Waltzes for Piano by Daryl Kojak